It’s where a man lays down on his back and opens his mouth, and the chick that has the runs puts her asshole directly into his open mouth, and she blows the runs all down his throat
Last night got wild my chick gave me a frosty and I can’t stop picking corn out of my teeth.
by Thegreatestwhoeverlived December 25, 2022
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When you put an ice cube where the sun dont shine during touchy touchy time an ✨finish✨
My gf and i tried frosty the snowman the othet day
by d0ntc0meafterme August 10, 2021
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The act of having sex doggy style and shoving two ice cubes and a carrot in your girls ass
Christmas Eve Cindy and I were having sex, I ran to the kitchen and got some ice and a carrot , then returned to give her a frosty the snowman.
by EET3 November 18, 2022
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When a man cums in a woman's asshole and she shits it out.
by Crazymankills February 23, 2016
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When a man asks a woman to marry him on facebook.
I just frosty martined that gal today!
by Josh Hutchin December 3, 2013
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What’s that!

A popsicle up the pussy

Lesbian terms
by RagingLezza December 11, 2022
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When somebody encourages everybody else to drink up but does everything in his power to not participate themselves.
Rodge: Whoa, did you just do a 9am Yeager Dave? Thats hardcore.. Ok now I'll do one too.

"Rodger spits out his Yeager (which is really Coke)"

Paul: Dude! You just Frosty Chucked all over yourself!
Dave: Man - that looks and smells like Coke-a-cola?!?!
by Onyx Xmas Party 2006 January 22, 2007
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