used as a comeback for when your friend is hitting you with a your mom insult
weirdly effective
Person 1 : your mom is fat!
Person 1 : ..... (can't come up with a better comeback)
by thegodofallbeings November 12, 2017
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Used in a joking way when something is semi-annoying
*washing the dishes to be a good child*

"Hey don't forget yo do the dishes"

Your done. Your done.
by Your.average.idiot December 24, 2021
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Your friend or someone your dating. Not meant to be a racial or racist term in any way shape or form no matter the context in which its used.
Yo Jen, are you going out with your nog tonight?

Your nog is super fly looking.
by snapcracklepop42 February 26, 2021
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Your purple is that person who came into your life and made it better by just being there and makes you feel good and your life would be a different place without them
by ✨Coffee lover ✨ January 18, 2021
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Blue is someone who
youve known for less than
a year but they already
changed your life for the
better. The person you can
talk to for hours and not get
bored. They make you truly
Your Blue, you make me feel loved knowing I’m not always the one who has to reach out
by Lalala_low March 4, 2022
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The most versatile dis/comeback ever created in the history of your mom. Usually it has no effect or sense (especially when used in response to your mom or when you're talking to someone's mom), but it's hilarious when you use it right.
1. guy: Look at that fat kid!
guy #2: Holy shit! Is that your mom?!

2. guy: What's your favorite food?
guy #2: Your mom

3. teacher: John, how often does 35 + 34 = 69?
john: As often as I 69 your mom every Friday night.
teacher: John! Go to the office, I'm calling your mom!
john: No, I'M calling YOUR mom.
by That ballin' kid January 10, 2007
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