A woman who's husband regularly spends so much time playing X Box instead of leaving the house that she begins to tell her friends her husband has died rather than admitting his pathetic addiction.
Isn't it kind of strange that there was no service for her husband? I think she may be trying to hide something by claiming to be an X Box Widow.
by The Original X Box Widow October 18, 2006
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A term used to describe the event of taking part in playing X-Box.
"What the hell are we going to do now that we've run out of beer?"

"I dunno. Let's just chill here and x-box it up."

by KTownFook May 28, 2005
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It is the one day over the Christmas holidays where you are entitled to uninterrupted X-Box entertainment without the apprehension of having to switch it off.

This remarkable day occurs either on Boxing Day or on some other agreed day with your spouse.

Whilst it is lovely spending time with family, this is an effective pragmatic settlement that helps to soften the unpleasant experience of unwillingly enduring dreary Christmas TV, imposed through common family demand.
"I hear you are not spending Christmas at home this year, is there any chance you could jump online for some Special Ops?"

"No, but I do have an X-Boxing day agreement. Unfortunately I am ill-fated to be in an unfamiliar habitat during Christmas, but Knowing X-Boxing day is nearing whilst I respectfully give my support to another’s customary routine, is especially reassuring."
by coin-op December 22, 2009
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One of the new next-gen consoles. This one is the one made by microsoft, and it does look pretty awesome. And although 2 of those guys before believe otherwise, you can't say it will be more awesome than the PS3 and the rev when you don't know anything about what either will be like at release.
by Thomas P April 19, 2006
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1. Getting high and playing your next-gen X-box.

2. Modding your X-Box or X-Box 360 with Marijuana themed art.

Killer weed dude, wanna go play some X-Box 420 brah?
by Danthol April 2, 2006
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those who are now growing up in a virtual world, with realistic video games,using alter egos played on the xbox,ps3, wii and the internet. Using their ipods and texting instead of cds,albums or tapes and talking face to face.
generation x-box has more of an online social life than a real one. with online virtual worlds and multiplayer online games gives the user a chance to be someone or something they are not in real life.
by spydermonkey July 21, 2008
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The next generation system of Microsoft. First came the X-box, then the X-box 360 (event though the system isn't a circle) and so it is assumed by most people that next will be the X-box 720. It is a reasonable name for the next gen. of X-box.

Sometimes used as a joke when asked if going to buy a 360.
Are you getting the X-box 360?

Nah, I'll wait for the X-box 720.
by GABEMSTR November 15, 2006
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