A state filled with bunch of small minded people who come off as though they’ve never left the state, let alone the country. Most Wisconsinites are people who are born, live and want to die here without never leaving. Don’t be a Wisconsin simpleton, be a go getter.
Teen from Wisconsin: I’m going to USC!

Wisconsin simpleton: Oh but you’re coming right back after you graduate of course!
Teen from Wisconsin: Hell no!
by Notjustasimpleton August 31, 2018
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1) A U.S. state located in the midwest with Illinois bordering it to the south, Iowa and Minnesota to the west and Michigan to the northeast.

2) An ideal breeding ground for assholes, stuck-up pricks, and overweight gluttons and alcoholics.

3) A cesspool of shit-brained peoples whose intelligence can be compared to that of a 4-year old, and the lifestyle equilvalent to the 1970's.

4) Home of persons brainwashed and born to believe their home state is the best based on the number of lakes, hills, and scenic tourist areas it offers. However, those that claim these to be home are still assholes, drunks, morbidly obese, and/or less intelligent that a rock.

5) Famous for its use of the term FIB which is used to describe people from Illinois even though Wiscosinites only have awareness of the Chicagoland area and not of the rest of the state, thus representing the people of Wisconsin as ignorant as they are stuck-up, dumb, drunk, and morbidly obese.

6) Home to a historically decent football team, the Green Bay Packers, in which the team is in an unfortunate situation by having fans who are stuck-up, dumb, drunk, and morbidly obese when most of the players (if not all) on the team are not originally from Wisconsin, making them completely opposite of their fans.

7) A state known for having its natives delirious based on their habits for being alcoholics, obese, and brainwashed assholes, meaning nothing any of them say can be taken to have any meaning.
Wisconsin is a fun place to go and it's beautiful to see, especially since I always feel good about myself for not being an alcoholic, asshole, or mobidly obese person.

Sure, I might be a FIB to those people from Wisconsin because I drive a little too fast, but at least I'm not known to be an alcoholic, asshole, or mobidly obese person.
by childofnox September 24, 2011
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Wisconsin is a great state. Overall friendly people, and good food. We can help you get your truck out of the mud and then give you a beer and cheese curds. Come and visit you won't regret it. ;)
Person 1: hey do you want some cheese curds?
Person 2: only if they are from Wisconsin!
by brook;)) October 21, 2020
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Excessive amounts of drinking because it’s cold and miserable.
Chad went wisconsining with the guys tonight.
by February 18, 2021
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A place that was eaten by birds a long long time ago. Wisconsin is a secret government facility used hide the fact that wisconsin isnt real. It is a known fact that wisconsin isnt real. Go to soundcloud and look up wisconsin isnt real audiobook extended version
A fake state that was eaten by birds is called wisconsin
by TheSpreaderOfWisconsinTruth February 21, 2020
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Massive dump. Trump said he lost in 2020 because there were massive dumps of votes in various states including Wisconsin.
I took a Wisconsin last night after that beefy dinner and my tummy ache went away.
by icyhot123 November 30, 2020
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A cesspool of low IQ, a garbage pile of a state that should it be wiped out by the most inhumane and bloody way possible the world would cheer. Everybody is constantly in a state of despair and will continue to be in such until this mistake, this abomination is purged from the earth.
Wisconsin is a fucking shithole. Jesus christ they even lie about being the Cheese capital of the world. Honestly how fucking stupid can you get
by Mcthugalot January 30, 2020
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