1) To masterbate

2) To do very little

3) To "shred" on a guitar/keyboard/bass
1) I fancy a wanking session

2) Stop wanking about

3) I don't like Steve Vai - all he does is fret wanking
by I'm Jack Cooper April 3, 2005
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1. Something i do four times a day.
2. An act usually done because of the
precious milky stuff it produces.
milky stuff tastes bitter, and is
famous for its rejuvinating powers.
3. Causes ORGASM, the most pleasureable
thing on earth.
When I'm all alone at home, I invite my friends and we wank together and mix our white liquid stuff.
by WANK EMPEROR August 29, 2003
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1) British slang referring to the act of masturbation

2) A term among guitarists to describe random and excessive riffing at usually high speed as if one is jerking off the guitar.
1) I'll bet you like to wank for hours on end to pictures of men's asses

2) Many think Synyster Gates is a great guitarist but all he does is wank
by Geet4rist December 4, 2009
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1) (verb) To brag excessively, usually over computer components 2) (verb) To have a meaningless discussion over abstract theories; a pissing contest 3) To masturbate
1) Fucking NICK won't stop wanking about his 386 laptop and how it was the new hotness 84 years ago.
2) The moronic intellectual was wanking off about his latest 'theorem'
3) Everytime I have a wank I wipe out a small civilization
by Ben August 12, 2003
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Ridiculous, annoying or stupid; usually refers to a bad outcome or situation
"I got kicked off the bus today 'cause I was 10p short"
"Man, that's wank"

"I lost my whole essay today, the computer was being wank and restarted."

"I have 9am lectures every day this week"
"That's wank."
by Carolyn Pitt October 28, 2005
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too cause pleasure leading to an orgasm. sea cucumber stylie
hey lou babes,your wanking me just fine,stop worrying ;)
by leogets2007 September 22, 2006
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To rub your penis until you get much pleasure and you shoot sweet cum.
I had a good onld wank last night, The sheets were soaked in cum!
by Mad Whit September 14, 2003
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