To go crazy (spazz out). To bitch at someone.
I tweeked out when no one would decide where to go.
by buck March 9, 2003
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The act of falling asleep and then spasming awake to try and stay awake.

The action in which ones body twitches apon the verge of sleep
John: Get off my computer!
Jim: Gimme 5 minutes
(5 minutes later
John Passed out)
John Spasmed
Jim: DUDE you hypno-tweeked
John: I Thought i was falling...
by Minecrafter 666 November 18, 2011
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A huge scary pile of precariously balanced clutter that is unconsciously created by a tweeker while conducting a desperate search for that bag of dope they think they lost somewhere. A real-life version of Jenga.
I went to Todd's room in the Tenderloin to borrow a bike tool, but when he reached in to grab it, his entire tweek trap came crashing down, leading to extensive injuries. But he found his bag!
by Null Iffy June 7, 2011
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Alvin is a tweek, all he does is tweek with all the boys in the class
by BigPappa12345 September 13, 2011
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When someone repeatedly peeks their head out of windows, curtains or blinds, from doorways, furnature, hallways, or just about any object they can hide behind, while high on Meth This can go on for days even weeks at a time, some will even take turns or rotate watch amungst themselves!
RIchard has been poppin his head out the door everytime a car drives by since YEsterday morning Suzy's been doin the same since that evening! Must be a really great game of Tweek-a-boo they are having!!
by JUST IN YA March 31, 2011
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A term used in many "gifs" across the website. You will normally see these in gifs related to "genshin impact" or that one gif of "dream" twerking.
Person A: I keep spending all my money on genshin 😭😭😭😭
Perosn B: *sends genshin gif of tweeks sheep*
by Trash rat January 21, 2022
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