To bring a girl home and wait for her to use your bathroom before jerking off on her pillow. You then proceeds to initiate intercourse - doggy-style - before pushing her face into the soiled pillowcase.
"Yeah, dude, she had no idea, but I was totally pillowing that chick last night."

"Awesome, you should save that pillowcase for next time."
by awthedarx December 27, 2011
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Refers to an attractive woman. Frequent usage among young men in the south, especially Southampton, New Forest and IOW, but also heard in Essex and East London.
"Did you see her? Total pillow!"
by Niq44 February 27, 2010
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to hump a sleeping person. while everyone watches and silently laughs.
Guy 1: look weston's geting pillowed by ceasar.

Guy 2: shh, take a picture.

Guy 1: lets never forget this.
by wrath 92 January 17, 2012
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someone who looks like their ass has couch cushions in it

someone who is as soft as a new pillow
mary is pillows

what a fuckin pillow
by hasf May 5, 2005
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When you are sitting somewhere with someone and they get up and leave the room. You stack all the pillows you can find where they were just sitting so when they return they cannot sit down. Finally, you inform them they have been "pillowed"
Jenny totally pillowed Paul when he left the room. When he came back he had to move all those pillows.
by quickdraw_mcgraw May 7, 2011
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Detta swung her foomfy pillows over the side and got up to face another day. Robert Crumb watched approvingly, setting the needle down on his morning Elmore James selection (original, not remastered) before padding back to bed. “The Sky Is Crying” was all he had now, that and Detta’s thighs.

“Rad barrels, bro,” says Caleb, shaking droplets from his hair and holding aloft his longboard at Maverick's.
“Later,” says cousin Om, "Can’t hear you.” Eyes glomming onto the wenches ranged across the sand.
“You always were a thigh bloke,” says Caleb. “When will you wake up to good old fashioned T and A?”
“Them’s my father’s trip,” says Om. “I prefer the pillows.”
by Hifalutin! February 10, 2022
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a pillow is something that all those 7,8 yr olds like to f###
8 yr old:imma use my pillow
by dragonslayer101XD October 22, 2018
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