1. to give a blow job, for five dollers
2. to suck on nipples, for five dollers
1.you want sucky sucky, five dolla!
2. (pretty much same as #1)
by zachizzo October 21, 2003
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an umbrella term for all cyclists, coined by entitled influencers with too much makeup and too little clout to shame cyclists on roads.

usually used as a non-apology for being cancelled for pissing off whole communities (in this case, cycling)
grace: if you are a sucky cyclist, dont cycle on roads.
cyclist: what does that even mean?
grace: i have no idea, i just hate cyclists and love attacking them on social media for no

reason. also, i need clout
by graceglazee December 6, 2020
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A seemingly NZ-specific term for anything that sucks, from hospital Lamson systems to household vacuums and fuel-removal services doesn't seem to include bad jokes). Variations include suckie moto, and both with or without the space or hyphen.
Confused medical student: Where can I send these bloods?

Nurse: Just place them in the sucky-moto.

Medical student: *is more confused*


Frustrated wife: You put the wrong fuel in! Now we'll have to call Suckie Moto to help us out! (0800 782 566)
by Cloudwatcher36 May 14, 2021
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That person who sucks all the good luck away from people around him/her and uses it for his/her own good.
She just won a free trip to Europe and I went from banging the secretary to signing TPS reports. She's a real sucky bus.
by larnielane July 6, 2013
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1)To describe something rather unenjoyable aka Sucky

2)An area in the world where all things that are sucky come from.

3) a derogative term for Circuit City

Coined by: Necky of Brooklyn, May 19th, 1996
"WoW the movie Bio-Dome is Sucky City"
-This test is going to be sucky city

-A persons life could be Sucky City

-Lets goto Sucky City to pick up some movies.
by Branmanof44 August 31, 2007
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