A slappy Dallas is A blow job but the mouth is filled with dip
by Benzema goat October 15, 2020
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A sticky gooey hand that has fingernails and gooey tails that you can fling and stick to things. Found at arcades for 30 tickets. Get 'em while they're sticky.
by HolePunchers101 January 16, 2011
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A hard, stinging slap on the ass, the kind that starts a fight amongst boys in the locker room. If it is a softer tap, it becomes a dry slappy.
Damn Jackson that was a hard wet slappy!
by EPCROCKER February 26, 2017
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The moist, fat undercarriage of a saggy old woman that slaps against itself during any form of movement
I love eating ham and mustard out of a slappy taint.
by lookatthatfucktard January 23, 2015
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A soft tap on the ass. A friendly greeting, among peers. It should be reciprocated, or the slapee should thank the slapper graciously. If it's a hard hit, it becomes a wet slappy.
by EPCROCKER April 24, 2016
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Prison Game-take turns slapping one another dicks together until someone gets injured or quits. If you have lil feet don't play slappy meat..
If you nut you lose..and your probably gay.
I wanted dudes cake so I challenged him to a Slappy Meat duel. I slapped his meat so hard he got cancer..
by House Corrothers January 7, 2014
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The slappy dave is when you cum on a chicks forehead or eye socket then slap your dick in it and make a splishy splashy sound in the pool of cum.
She is so hot, I would love to go the slappy dave on her.
by Paul July 7, 2004
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