when you take out your partner's cock and you spray it with air freshener until it smells good
Hey, y'all ready for some rootin tootin chicken-shootin?
by Yeet yeet esketeet March 11, 2019
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The worst sort of diarhea.

When it's so bad that You're spraying the back of the toilet, the toilet seat, the towels.
"Holy shit, I don't know what Trang put in that Denver Omelette I got off the truck this morning but I was just shootin' chili outta shotgun"
by Marty Fahkeuse December 25, 2002
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A phrase for hanging around with friends, most often uttered by the dumb member of the group. It is most commonly used by a person with low intelligence who converses with others of higher intelligence.
I miss hanging out. I miss the discord calls. I miss the, ya know... Shootin the ol beef brisket.
by Chronological June 24, 2021
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You know I love the ladies, love to have my fun, I'm a high life flyer and a rainbow rider. a straight shootin son of a gun ...
by Rainbow Rider July 7, 2023
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The art of sexual intercourse while sky diving and tooting on her tits. All the while shooting your cum in her face.
I wanna rootin tootin shootin parachutin Kim so bad
by Fergus Forsyth! March 13, 2014
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rootin tootin cowboy shootin 2 is just a better version of Red Dead Redemption 2
Let's play some rootin tootin cowboy shootin 2
by ⒾⓐⓜⓈⓄⓊⓅ December 28, 2018
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