Farting into a fan as you aim it towards family or friends.
Example. "You all go sit on the couch and I will Texas Sandstorm you. Make sure you close your eyes and open your mouths!"fart
by jdizzell March 21, 2014
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When you have intercourse with an ancient vagina and sand comes out.
Dang that vagina must be old, it was like a Nevada Sandstorm.
by UthgerdsAnus May 3, 2015
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When your jizz/cum comes out like a shotgun shell filled with 1000 pellets, it usually has a wide radius and hits the objects around the target.. cause=Cumming too fast
That idiot California sandstormed on my wall
by California Sandstorm June 1, 2016
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When you get sand stuck in your foreskin from your day trip to the beach, then when your boyfriend / girlfriend is sucking your cack, the sand blows out with the semen.
After a long day of surfing at the shore, Tina was lying in the emergency room due to a fellatio sandstorm that scratched her cornea.
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When you take an Arab and you remove the towel off his/her head and shit in it. Then you anally penetrate a child with an erect penis and ride the child into battle and sling the towel full of shit at people
Hey Gary Lets Sandusky sandstorm these 2nd graders sandusky sandstorm SanduskySandstorm
by Snake_7 January 4, 2015
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When something happens that would seem out of place, a great prank, a game deciding move, etc.
"You just blew up my entire base!"

by TankSlash5231 February 22, 2015
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