when stupid teens are bored and need something to do with life.
girl: im bored.
guy: me too.
girl: wow, we're so qwerty.
guy: yeah i know.

girl: theres never anything to do anymore.
by qwertylovaaaa August 12, 2009
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Tony is such a qwerty, it makes me want to strangle him with his beloved keyboard.
by Paul Lemon March 30, 2004
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A pointless phrase the famous porn stars Jacki Lick and Trent Shaftwell shout out while fucking on camera.
ohhh qwerty....yes Trent QWERTY!!!!
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you: what's up man?
me: i found out father jones is a qwerty.
by kevinnnnn September 11, 2005
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A kick ass, experimental word meaning quere in a good way or freakin awesome
Guy A - Did you hear that new song by that chick with the funky outfit?

Guy B - Yeah my idiot of a sister said it was weird but it was so friggin QWERTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guy A - Yes I also thought it kicked ass!!!
by Alternitive opption December 9, 2006
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QWERTY is just a name for the type of keyboard u guys are using!!!! it has no other meaning,
My Graphing calculator does not use a qwerty keyboard!!!
by David June 27, 2004
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its the art of finding random words because of their easiness to type on the keyboard
i have qwerty mastered
by kony February 5, 2008
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