v. Also know as 'putter around'.
1. To practice golfing on the green next to the hole.
2. To have extremely teasing/tantric sex with a woman. Basically, to rub the tip of the penis around the vagina, as well as put just the tip in and pull out again. This teasing of the woman's sex organs can turn her into a wild sex-craved demon. It's not just men who get aroused by a good tease (so long as it ends up with a naked couple in the sack).
1. Tiger Woods should probably putt around more, especially after his 2008 Masters' performance.

2. All it took John was about 2 minutes of puttering around with Jill's downtown bonanza and she turned into a sex-craving wild woman. Men, tip your hats to John for the extra work to get what he really wanted as well. You clever fella.
by Grammar_Freak_17 April 18, 2008
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A sexual act in which one man uses his erect penis to tap a second man’s testicle into a third man’s anus.

A common variant involves “removing the flag,” where a fourth man removes a dildo from the third man’s anus just as the butt-putting begins.
I thought Bruce invited me to play putt-putt golf, not butt-putt golf. That was crazy.
by ~dick April 11, 2014
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Crude description of gay anal sex. Originated from the movie "Good Will Hunting".
Hey, I got no problem if you putt from the rough!
by RPT December 8, 2005
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a golfing term to describe a deceptive "break" or mounding of the green... It is a putt that appears "straight" yet in reality isn't
That putted looked straight, but broke three inches left of the cup. Must have been a Rock Hudson.
by Slurp EEE March 1, 2005
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1. a shameless, ignorant woman 2. a female who betrays you and feels no remorse 3.a fake woman who steal your money
If Tonya doesn't pay me back that $500, I am going to slap that pu putt bitch till I can't feel my hand!
by SlitherySylvie March 2, 2018
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A euphemism for being VERY gay.
Person A: "MP putts from the rough, if you know what I mean."

Person B: "Oh, yeah, I hear ya."
by fam® July 20, 2005
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means the same thing as 'son of a bitch' in Punjabi. Kuta actually means a dog becaus dog in punjabi is as big insult as calling somebody a bitch.
Sala maachod kute da putt apni bund maraa jake bhanchod.
by bebeji007 October 9, 2006
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