Pap is boiled corn meal
pap is eaten with food instead of rice
by aktian August 26, 2004
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A slang term for breasts used by Jesus Christ. These quotes are often found in the Four Gospels in the Bible.
He that shall betrayeth me shall pray he had never been born and never had paps to suck.
by Kippski July 27, 2005
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To be stood up or screwed over by someone you're interested in.
He called me and asked me to meet him for drinks but never showed.. he totally papped me.
by dnaass January 24, 2008
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A word that my friends made up for another mate and now we say "pap the something" but it has to start with p, so like

"pap the pervert"
"pap the paedophile"
"pap the prostitute"
Person one: Haha bro make some more puns, they're funny
Person two: Pap the pun
by FUCKING NEGHEER August 10, 2020
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Phresh as Phuck

-an acronym used to describe the level of phreshness which is radiated from the ornamental articles of clothing worn by a person. Fresh is not enough so Phresh must be used. One fuck is infinitely greater than an infinite amount of Fucks. Mindfuck.
Hey MC Turbz was looking PAP today.

MR PAP in the house!!

Aurelia is pretty PAP
by MCTURBZ December 1, 2011
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Pre-Adolescent Pubescent Syndrome.

A condition in which a fetus experience puberty. The child is born fully developed hormonally, and does not actually go through puberty during the teen years.

Male babies grow facial hair, have deepened voices, and produce semen. Female babies have breasts, wider hips, and experience a period every month. Once the child has reached the age at which most adolescents complete puberty, the syndrome is no longer noticeable.
Mommy, there's a boy at school whose voice sounds like a man. I think he has PAPS.
by Dr. Pesse Browne September 26, 2010
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a pap is a weak person who cant fight or cries for shit.
by maaak5 October 29, 2006
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