After consuming such a large ammount of alcohol or drugs that one can not be bothered to move, or are so hooked that they could not move if they wanted. Usually results in being stuck in a very uncomfortable position.
I got completely hooked on the sofa last night after those spliffs
by Christopher Stephens May 29, 2007
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Hook, or to hook is when your tires grab instead of break loose durring acceleration
"My 60'time was crap cause I couldnt hook for shit."
by SATANZ31 October 15, 2006
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A person who cheats on line calls in tennis.
That hook hooked me out of the last three points, dagnabbit!
by Bill April 9, 2004
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to stick a finger up an asshole and pull down.
My girlfriend gave me the hook last night while she was giving me a blow job.
by xenophon54 March 15, 2011
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the nickname for a VL ; to describe one's cycle
"Look at the hook ass nigga."
"My hook is on."
by Pynk_panther September 9, 2004
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Used to describe the action of one "hooking you up" with an item. Usually a cigarette, or some kind of food, but has recently been taken over by every other object. Used by stoners and everyone in Thunder Bay.
Person 1: These Pringles are pretty dece preemz.

Person 2: Man, hooks!
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