A channel that used to show music videos, but soon they became hands down the worst channel on tv by showing nothing but incredibly stupid reality tv shows featuring untalented hacks, internet nobodies, washed up hacks, and wannabes. They also showcase incredibly lame and talentless (c)rap artists who never even lived in the "ghetto" and would scream like a little bitch if someone pulled out a butterknife in their faces. The rock bands are faggots who call themselves punk when real punks would kick the fuck out of them and lame ass "metal" bands who are pussies wearing makeup and tight pants and lack any sufficent amount of talent other than screaming in a microphone and playing the same 1 chord over and over for 4 minutes. The other "artists" are horrible pop singers who are either underage, have severe gender ambiguity, and lack any talent other than singing with machines and autotune to help them "sing". The worst part is that all of the garbage is targeted towards children, who grow up to be skanks and douchebags. The media watchdogs don't bother trying to advocate against this horrible station because they are too busy rallying against videogames. Even though videogames have been proven to have no violent impact on children. They fail to notice MTV is broadcasting soft-core pornography, violent images, and is teaching children that if they are not like the people on this channel, they are freaks and misfits.
MTV is the devil in true living form. One can hope this channel is destroyed, for if not, it will continue to destroy humanity. All I can do is pray for the future of mankind.
by Mister Truth January 2, 2011
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The devil The antichrist. plays gay pop and rap shit
by Anonymous March 30, 2003
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A channel, which stands for Music Television, that is very popular amongst the youth. It used to actually play music but now it's mostly reality shows such as The Real World. It celebrates the great lives of celebrities and chastises anyone who fails to act or look like them.
I will see a cow fly before MTV makes music videos and actual music (not rap) the center and main point of the channel.
by MTV Lover/Hate April 28, 2004
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A market scheme by the evil corporation Viacom, Inc. (one of the five television channel owners in America). It's all commercials. Not a frame goes by on this channel without it advertising something.
Did you see that way awesome show on MTV? It was so awesome. In fact, it was so awesome I want to go out and buy stuff.
by Pauly Tamale December 20, 2003
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n.corparation with no respect for good music were being pretty is the top priority.
MTV sucks giant monkey balls!
Those MTV motherfuckers are nothing but ass kissing guges!
by Rhyannon June 19, 2004
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1) an originaly good idea for a channel about music
2) a sad excuse for a "music" channel
3) a channel that says it is about music when most of the shows on it have nothing to do with music
4) has a few good shows like jackass, but those shows dont belong on mtv becasue they have nothing to do with music
if you want a good music channel see fuse
and TRL is the worst becuase they dont even show all of the videos, and it is over and hour long, what is that?
by ShoujoSmut August 1, 2003
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MTV- Music TeleVision. An American cable station that’s central goal is to brainwash America's youth. instead of playing music, it plays "reality" shows that tells teens and kids to be spoiled, make fun of smart people, exploit overweight people, marry only for money, that having the vocabulary of a 3rd grader is ok, be prejudice toward people of different races and sexual orientations, dress like a slut or a gangster, always be concerned about what others think of you, to be promiscuous, the only way to be thin is to throw up your lunch, neglect people who don’t listen to rap music, people who aren’t rich are worthless scum, and to make anyone who has a sense of individuality an outcast of society.

the reason why modern music is on the verge of extinction.
guy 1: did u watch real world last night?

guy 2: u fucking prep. u still watch MTV?
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e April 16, 2006
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