Young Males that hang around the malls with razored spike haircuts normally with dye stripes.
Always has at least 1 or 2 flake plastic earings and or ipod white earphones that arent attached to anything.
They are normally skinny pacific islanders and dress like its 1989 and hanging out or stalking 13 year old girls.
Mall Douche
Bad fashion
Rap videos
by Moneyshot NZ December 14, 2009
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An irritation of the cornea that results from exposure to the overworked air conditioning units, heaters and/or bright pharmacy-like lighting found in large shopping malls. Typically experienced by the male species when dragged to the shopping mall by their female counterparts during sales, clearances and/or any day ending with 'day'.
"Yo, did you see that sale on V-Necks?"
"Naw guy I have the WORST mall eye!"
by Macsbandit December 2, 2009
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A male who assumes the role of a devoted carrier of a woman's purse and/or shopping bag. They are usually seen in malls and highly resemble golf bag carriers, hence the name: Mall Caddy. Like their golf counterpart, the Mall caddy offers advice when called upon. However, their advocation pertains to outfits, gift recomendaions, and price restrictions. These males play the beta role of any relationship and is also knowned to be pussy whooped.
"Hey i ran into Mike and his girlfriend at the Macy's....yep he's an honest Mall Caddy."
by Dean Carlos October 23, 2007
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Pacific mall is an enormous Asian mall in toronto. It's the largest asian mall in canada. It is populated by trendy chinese teens.

Also known as "p-mall".
by soliloquy December 27, 2005
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The shittiest, most under cared for shopping centre in Campbelltown as of circa 2001 (it all went downhill from there).

The centre is infested with two dollar shops, and consists of: a wannabe Big W, rundown stores, an incomplete Woolies, a dead food court and just general debris.

When it rains, they put out buckets to catch the water seeping in through the holes in the ceiling. Niiiice.
Supermarket employee: One time on my way to work at Minto Mall, i tripped over a bucket and water splashed everywhere. It was embarassing.

Minto Mall is a target for wacky shoplifters and thieves.
by naz*dawg August 16, 2009
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a used-to-be very nice mall in arlington, texas, full of good people and nice workers, high class stores, and an awesome new expansion. uuuntil around the 2000s, then it turned into ghetto city and all the good stores got wiped out because the nice people shopping in the good stores got scared of the ghetto m-effers strollin around with their hands on their crotches. now you can find them at northpark or southlake.
man, i really liked the parks mall but it's just gotten too ghetto and scary. i think i'll make a trip to the northpark mall.
by hellobabyxx December 2, 2010
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usually employed by a contracted "security" company, these people are given absolutely no means to control dangerous situations, but are expected to keep things under control until the police arrive. their job is to give the "perception" of security, without actually having to go through the hassle of having real training. usually known as rent a cops, they must also deal with a complete lack of respect from the patrons of the mall they serve. low pay and horrible hours make the job ideal only to lazy fat people and college students.
concerned citizen: that man just ate my daughter!
mall security guard: wtf do you want me to do, all i have is a flashlight! this radio doesn't even work outside the building.
by bah March 5, 2005
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