"Man I lost alot of my money last night."

"How much?"

"Like 4000 dollars"


"No. 3567 dollars to be exact"
by TheManlyMan May 6, 2013
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A term overused mainly by many teenagers in high school, mainly abused during public speeches because of nervousness felt by the user. However it is sometimes abused when talking to friends..either way...its abused, and people need to learn to say other words other than 'like'
Like i went to the store? and like....i bought some stuff? and like..like...like i drove home after that..then like...like..like like - i forgot.
by Karawasa May 14, 2008
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Nonsense, Adjective, Verb

1)A word which is used to substitute a space where a better verb, adjective, or noun.This context is used mainly by females ages 10-17, and the entire population of California.

2)Similar to, resembling.

3)A word used by those in Junior High, or High School, when they feel the word love, or crush is not appropriate for the context given.
1)Like, and then i bought the like, blue, or was it like purple, but, like, it was like, dark blue...

2)Man, you look like hell...

3)Janey and Alex like each other, so they blush in each other's presence.
by Tzar Trusk March 19, 2003
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It is what it is. You can feel however you want about it.
Joe: Get off my couch and get a job
Bob: It's like that?
Joe: It's like that.
by Xavier-Sexy June 14, 2012
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1a. Similar to.
1b. In the same manner as.

2. Used with the verb "to be" in dialogue attribution (quotes).

3. Used to express:
(a) a thought, or
(b) an emotional reaction (not an actual quote), especially when
(c) exaggerrating.

4. A word used as filler while thinking; interchangeable with "um."
1a. They passed like fleeting dreams.
1b. She walks in beauty, like the night.

2. I was, like, "What happened?"

3a. I was, like, What is WRONG with you?
3b. She was, like, NOOO! DAMMIT!
3c. He was, like, crying -- I mean, he wasn't crying, but he was so upset.

4. A covalent bond is, like, when the atoms share electrons?
by Journeyman Writer March 1, 2005
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In Likeness is a blissful mind set of companionship without having to be with someone; that state of relaxation you feel after sex with a Random Person; Feeling Horny; the go to word in a Male whores vocabulary
"Oh, Man I am In Likeness with a Stripper again."

Hottie says "I think I am in Love with you"
Slutty Martinez says "That is Nice, but why ruin our In Likeness?"
by Don_Mayhem January 25, 2010
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If she gets your dick up then you like her.
-Creds Mak
guy 1: Dude I think i like Emily

guy 2: How do you know
guy 1: She gets my dick up
by GriffinHeart December 5, 2015
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