When snot runs profusely out of your nose onto the face of the person your making out with.
Kyle picks up a chick and whilst upon a passionate make-out session he nose jismed on her rather plump lip.
by #theCreamyCenter November 8, 2020
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That which is sprayed over a keyboard when certain people read fan fiction of Sonic the Hedgehog being fucked by a choo choo train.
Guy 1: Why is this library computer keyboard so sticky!?

Guy 2: Check the search history...

Guy 1: The last thing searched was "Sonic and the Steam Engine IX."

Guy 2: Quick! Wash your hands-- that's tism jism!
by Jack Atrophy August 11, 2022
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Basically the same thing as a whore or slut. Just way more demeaning.
I bet dat ho smell like a jism tree after getting mutted last night.
by Spratt626 October 2, 2015
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Wordplay on the word 'neologism'in this case it means giving head to some guy while you're on your knees. When the guy spunks the jizz falls at or below knee level of the person administering said head
I was giving my bf head last night and when he came he gave me. Kneelow jism
by 4realazitgits April 20, 2021
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Another word for semen, jizz, and cum. The white stuff that comes out of a man’s cock.
Larry David: Scum sucking motherfucking whore!
Jeff Garlin: Cock! Cock! Jism! Grandma cock!
by Excrushman September 5, 2023
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The thing that comes out my big slong.
Yes mummy I’m about to jism.
by Ur my August 24, 2021
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When a male or female jerks another person off and asphyxiates them with their jizz
I heard Trevor cheated on you. What did you do?!
Well, I first acted like I was gonna sleep with him then I jism’d the f**k out of him
by BajMajVaj July 24, 2019
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