A modern musical art form where the goal is to make as much noise as possible with any instruments you choose to use.
(Example of "Bangin'-N-Jammin'") Animal on the drums from The Muppet Show (circa 1975)
by Matthew Rogers January 7, 2009
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An English idiom used by the speaker to indicate that the subject is providing a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction.
This thirsty jack is really jammin’ my butter!
by Zepher Man Boy May 9, 2019
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"slang" when someone asks you whats goin, peanut butter and jammin it is equivalent. to "nutin much" or "just chillin"
First person- hey what have you been up to
Second Person- just peanut butter and jammin it.
by Exceptid August 2, 2007
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1) stop hating on me 2) Stop being annoying 3) refrian from contiuing that action i find it irritating 4) quit bugging me 5) stop adding a liquified fruit blend to my morning starch.
Person 1: Hey there, you are a complete idiot and i am going to poke you excessivily
by Italianman92 January 19, 2010
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Jammin' out with my clam out, is the female version of Rockin' out with my cock out.
1. Steve- Tonight at the concert, I'll be rockin' out with my cock out!
2. Becky- And i'll be jammin' out with my clam out.!
by T.J.P December 6, 2008
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To play a car stereo system with subwoofers to the point of clipping while out on the road around others no matter if they approve of it or not, esp the cops.
Maing he made everyone at the red light roll up their windows to try to avoid his beat but there was truly no escape, he was really jammin out.
by ThaBlockBuster August 19, 2021
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The act of being in the way of something or someone. I.e blocking the path way.
Example of Strawberry Jammin'

Being in a shop isle and having someone standing right in front of you, they see you, but they just stand there and will not move to let you pass.
by SazzySuzzane November 8, 2016
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