The act of sleeping all day on a holiday you don't celebrate.
David Goldmanbergstein: "I'm going into Jewish hibernation because all my friends are with their family's for Christmas."
by Aiden Schwartz December 24, 2015
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FRIENDSHIP HIBERNATION is when you avoid being with friends for a long period of time especially when you want to find peace for yourself or explore things on your own
by The_Blankk November 5, 2022
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When a soil has been deprived of water for a mega-amount of time, it goes into quiescence and becomes what is known as drought-hibernized
"The first rain has arrived and is bunker-bombing itself into the drought-hibernized ground."
by mimbijones April 4, 2023
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The phenomenon of micro-naps in public places, prominent among high-achieving, over-worked, asian americans.
-"Did you see that trombonist sleeping on stage during the band concert?"
-"Yeah, that was some crazy asian hibernation."
by real_name_taken August 20, 2015
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An afterschool nap that lasts longer than 4 hours and makes you skip dinner, social life, and any other commitments you made that afternoon/evening.
I was too tired to even play video games, so I just took an Education Hibernation.
by TheGayAccount March 24, 2023
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The Hibernation starts the preparation for pride month. It is the 3 months of March April and May Beware for when it ends. This also signals the end of the Gaybernation.
Prepare The Hibernation is coming to an end
by Slavic Leprechaun June 2, 2023
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Someone who began as a Hoe but a life event caused them to stop being that Hoe. ie. pregnancy, STD, injury etc. But without fail... once a Hoe always a Hoe.
Man, I've been married 13 years and I just found out my Old Lady is a Hibernate Hoe. She spreading them legs like warm butter
by Mind_surgeon November 17, 2022
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