1. EMT's are a vital part of the EMS structure.
by Paul January 25, 2006
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A chat board on the popular Neopets.com website.
Populated by fat, preteen scene kids who insist on complaining how much their life sucks, post pictures of their new fashion mullets (if you find one of them mildly attractive, their picture is probably stolen from someone's myspace), and discuss how awesome the latest From First to Last CD is (adding afterwards that they totally listened to them before it became cool).
Scenester 1: rate my facee, ems?
Scenester 2: omg 1000/10. i love your fob shirt.
Scenester 1: lol ily!
Scenester 1: lets talk about snakes on a plane because its trendy now.
by Urban Terrorist August 17, 2006
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From Neopets.com, abbreviated for Evil Things and Monster Sightings.
Lyk, I'm a vampire!
Blood Bar
My account just got frozen!
Marilon Manson Sucks!
W...P...P... people come here
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Basic Description--

A chat room ('Neoboard') on Neopets.com, filled with wannabe goths, and scene kids. Most can be seen '*glomp*'ing and saying 'OMG ILU' every post they make, and most consider their friends to be called 'loves'. I don't reccommend even thinking about going there unless you are pretty, the natives at EMS (Evil Things and Monster Sightings) do not like ugly people, even though virtually all of them are ugly themselves.

In Depth--

Although it may seem as if there are only ugly and dumb people here, there are some cool people, i.e. Leslie, Olivia, Jennuh, Julia, Shade, George, Gfrins, Chris, BD, Amber, Shane, etc., even though 5 out of all 12 of those people log on daily or so.


I should warn you about the wannabe homosexuals there, the one ages 13, you know; the ones who want to be bi and/or gay/lesbian just because it's the new trend. Also the emo kids, cutting themselves and listening to MCR when they know in the back of their minds that MCR is lame and is not emo. There's also the japanophiles, the people who use anime emoticons such as ^_^ and :3 every post, and who are in love with every JRock band in existance. If you're looking for hot girls, I'd only consider two or three hot girls there, . . . Jennuh, Gfrins and Amber . . .

All in all, EMS r0XX0rz to some degree.
EMS: Board 17 on Neopets.com, yo.
by Unknown Entity October 9, 2006
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To blade someobody, or fuck them over hard. Often involves gay buttsex and senior leadership pitching
dude the whole company just got eme'd today!

dude, stacey just got eme'd and had to go to borden!
by ohh yeahhh January 26, 2009
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EMS stands for following things:

1. Emergency Medical Service

2. Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan

3. European Mathematical Society, Eastern Mountain Sports, Express Mail Service, Electro Medical Systems
1. EMS is a service in many countries providing acute care and transport to definitive care.

2. Stealing another Mangekyou sharingan from someone else unlocks the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

3. EMS is the abbreviation of several services and organizations.
by jimmybone d May 30, 2008
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Evil Thing And Monster Sightings Board on Neopets
Those GCer's have invaded the EMS!
by Vikki April 30, 2004
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