An exclamation, similar to "Oh my God!" or "Holy crap!"
"The WB network cancelled 'Angel."
"Christ on toast!! What will we watch on Wednesday night?"

"Christ on toast! That car almost hit me!"
by Bethers June 22, 2004
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When stumbling upon a female with enormous jugs. Instead of saying Jesus Christ, you say Chichis Christ! Chichis= Tits in Spanish.
Hector: Do you remember Vanessa from last night?
Gio: Chichis Christ! I couldn't stop looking at her the entire night.
by Toritooo October 23, 2008
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The little known brother of Jesus Christ. Craig is well known as a party animal that can't turn water into wine, but into cold Coors Light.... He's f@#*ing Craig.
"Can't practice miracles or walk on H2O but I got some hydroponic shit that me and Judas grow, I'm f@#*in Craig!... Craig Christ...."
by alienOrchestra March 10, 2009
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Noun -- Pejorative term to describe Christianity or Christian morals. Also, 'X-Psychosis.' (See also the more general 'R-Psychosis.')
The majority of Americans are infected with a form of Christ Psychosis, a mental illness that influences domestic laws, foreign policy, and popular culture.
by Phil Studge January 19, 2007
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1: A religious figure that is often referred to in basketball when a player performs exceptionally well.
2: The god of basketball.
Guy 1: Did you see LeBron James' last game?
Guy 2: That man totally has Yeezys Christ on his side...
by Chance4Doom December 18, 2018
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An exclamation similar to "Jesus Fucking Christ" with the added sentiment of getting on one's last nerve, i.e., hanging by a shoestring. Best said when one is completely baffled.
"Christ on a shoestring, I have no idea what a guy wants. First date #1 wants to have sex, #2 wants a goodnight kiss, #3 thinks I'm too physically aggressive if I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek to say goodnight. I might as well just become a lesbian."
by CathyM June 23, 2008
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