The act of putting ones thumb into the rectal cavity before, during, or even after intercourse.
See that girl at the bar? She could catch a thumb.
by TheBigPurv September 1, 2016
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A form of fighting where only hits to the body are allowed to avoid injury. Favorite activity of bad ass kids skipping class in public school bathrooms. Opposite of the term "to Catch the heads," although dirty players will try to sneak a chin shot in here and there.
Everybody got guns now and wanna shoot something, remember when we used to catch the bodies?
by MississippiIncenseMan February 14, 2023
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The act of calling someone out to fight in prison. Denying such act would therefore make you a bitch
"Catch a cell bitch" Seth said to which Matias replied "Momma didn't raise no bitch pussy"
by Holden Tudixs April 21, 2017
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Also known as a vicious cycle - two or more conditions require the other conditions to be fulfilled, but these other conditions also require the original condition to be fulfilled. In simple terms, this means neither can get fulfilled without the other. A needs B needs A.
So I need a key to open this door, and the key is beyond that same door? Damn, this is one big Catch 22.
by Fluid August 27, 2003
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A requirement that cannot be met until a prerequisite requirement is met, however, the prerequisite cannot be obtained until the original requirement is met.
by Catch 22 June 4, 2003
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To catch feelings means to begin to like someone(romantically), usually unexpectedly.
"We have only been talking for a month but I think I am catching feelings for her/him."

I know were only friends but I'm starting to catch feelings for him/her.
by Norshell March 5, 2005
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