P. Diddy's definition of a lame uncool person who doesn't vote.
Don't show any bitchassness this year. Go out and VOTE!!!
by JillianVickiAllen May 9, 2008
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when you call someone a bitch ass you are most likely playing around.
Most people don't take it seriously and if they do, they've most likely never heard it before.

omg. did you see Kara? She was being such a bitchass.

or ahh Dylan stop being a bitch ass.
by DWY June 8, 2007
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A bitchass is a very stupid person and/or someone who gets on your nerves.
"Soccer is a bitchass!"

"Holy fuck, my brother is being suck a bitchass!"
by soccer_is_a_bitchass June 1, 2003
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A compound word including the phrases "bitchin" and "badass"
That ska concert last night was totally bitchass!
by DJ DOT October 16, 2010
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people that hate on you for no good reason....thats a sign of bitchassness
do you see that girl over there. I dont like her. why u hatin on her...i dont know...thats bitchassness..
by ica_boo April 3, 2008
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you are doing something relating to being a bitch
a shady move or not buy danity kane or day 26 album-diddy
Thats bitchassness she got my man!
by *mixedkarissa* March 22, 2008
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This group of gentleman have a whole lot of bitchassness in side of them
by Doonie52 December 5, 2008
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