Its on Leonard Ave in the Jersey Shore town of Leonardo. Red Bank is the site of the Stash, aka Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash, Kevin Smith's store.
Last time I went to the Quick Stop I got lost on Route 36 and almost ended up in the ocean.
by Your Mom's Box August 12, 2003
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Dropping random knowledge.
Enlightening others with wisdom.
Blessing others with some quick game.
Ryino: What’s the Quick Spill for today?
Lil Fresh: Let those hater’s hate, ‘cause

the real gon keep it real
BY: MillyenteiDYSlick
by MillYentei DYSlick April 26, 2023
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1) Smoking a cigarette as quick as possible due to the limited amount of time or if out in cold weather.
1) Yo it is freezin, start hittin' quick so I don't freeze my balls off yo.

2) We got 5 minutes til class, hit it quick so were not late.
by im jon castoro baby December 17, 2009
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A tactic used by snipers in FPS video games. Older than the COD franchise, this tactic has been made heavily popular with COD: Modern Warfare 1 and 2. One of the biggest debates surrounding quick scoping is whether or not the tactic requires real skill, how much skill, or if it's just a matter of repetition and blind probability.

The tactic itself involves utilizing quick reflexes to spot an enemy, center them on screen as best as possible, and then zoom into your scope only to then fire as soon as the crosshairs are visible.

Some view it as an exploit. This is due to the fact that the crosshairs essentially "lock on" briefly and allow one to achieve relatively easy one-shot kills. A missed shot usually means one need only quickly repeat. Since it's primarily dependent upon reflexes and simple visual cues, sufficient practice by any player eventually leads to the ability to quick scope repeatedly with a diminishing overall vulnerability while doing so.

The tactic is helpful for snipers while they're on the run, in close quarters, in place of a weaker secondary weapon. However, abuse of the tactic as a primary method of fighting has lead many to view it as the "cheap" preference of noobs. Many who rely on quick scoping have furthered this stereotype by abusing it repeatedly, even going as far as ridiculing those who snipe in more traditional fashions (often calling them "hard scopers" in a derogatory manner).
Man, I was playing Modern Warfare 2 last night. I kept getting killed by this noob who did nothing but run around and quick scope. His hits were like 1 in 10, but he did it so frantically that he got enough kills to annoy us. His team still lost, though.
by ShootThemByProxy December 16, 2010
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rapidly and carelessly done
I don't want to see any quick-and-dirty jobs, I want them done right.
by Light Joker March 31, 2005
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(Variants: trigger or uptake may replace draw)

quick to respond
You have to be quick on the draw to hit the targets.
by Light Joker July 29, 2005
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When you launch a turd so fast it leaves no remnants...
"Hey Ronnie I just shit so fast I didn't have to wipe! It just shot out of there like a turd rocket! Now that's a quick hitter!"
by Fasteddie666 September 24, 2020
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