Has a huge enormous dick. Great at sex never gives up on hot girls. He got a condom from his best friend and got laid the next week at the movies.
I want Kenny weaver
Kenny weaver has a huge ass sick
He did a crab thing once
by Kenny weaver August 21, 2016
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A type of alcoholic drink that is a combination of trinidad scorpion peppers, Ghost chili pepper hot sauce and Gold Tequila. Named after the creator at Paul Smiths college.
Man I just shot flame out my touch hole, because of that Weaver Shot last night; what the fuck was I thinking?
by Tiny the dinosaur October 11, 2013
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A man who avoids 'beaver'. Bats for the other side. A gay man.
You've got no chance with him love, he's a beaver weaver.

OMG that beaver weaver wants your cock.
by huzinator May 19, 2010
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An patient at an insane asylum, where one of the activities used to keep the patients occupied is basket weaving.
Gonna visit my mom at Bellevue and check out the basket weavers.
by e-vigilante August 8, 2011
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A good looking grizzly dipping man who rides dirt bikes and loves working on cars
by crazy.man1234 July 5, 2015
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She felt her beaver was unsightly so she made an appointment with a beaver weaver
by mr_january September 3, 2011
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You and you're military team get shot down on a island filled with commies. You try to regroup with your team but your black teammate named weaver gets shot by one of your guys.
Weaver: Walker?

Walker:Sorry weaver *gun shot*
by Cole D. Walker October 16, 2020
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