People that love to shop at Wal-Mart. Brag about shopping there and all the money that they save by buying cheaply made products made in China. Also, some of the fugliest people you will see massed in one area.
- Man, I swear there are a lot of Wal-Martians here today.

- What the hell are you talking about, there are ALWAYS alot of Wal-Martians here.

- Have you ever noticed that these Wal-Martians are actually very ugly?

- That's why they shop here.
by Dude Grease August 28, 2007
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A large, parasitic corporation who moves like a plague, eating up all business in it's wake, and leaving a large, gray store with cheap, plastic crap.

They take jobs, and then screw over their employees by destroying any union they come up with, or fireing them, or making them work in the childrens section.

They close down all little shoppes in the area, and then sponsor people to start up new businesses, with advance revinue going back to Wal-Mart (*This is just a conspiracy theory, but I'm sure it is real*)
Damn Wal-Mart moved in. The Pic-n-Save is gone, and now I have to work there. If I say anything about Union, they'll fire me. Damn Wal-Mart.

Look at those hippies, trying to stop Wal-Mart from being built. Spike those trees!

Wal-Mart stores are niggers! (check my definition)
by Maine Event April 8, 2004
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The home of all the cheap crap you'll ever need!
If Wal-Mart keeps lowering their prices every day, how come nothing is free yet?
by TheBurninator November 18, 2003
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A store which out sources Canadian and American jobs to third world countries in order to sell cheap merchandise to third world refugees in Canada and America.
We're going out of business, a Wal-mart opened in our city...
by left4ded April 18, 2005
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Wal-mart gives me the creeps. I think I have Wal-Mophobia..
by burrgeezy May 13, 2010
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America's economic undoing. They cut prices by paying vendors less, who move production to China.
Know why everything is made in China? Wal Mart.

"I got it at Wal Mart, it was $5 cheaper."
"But you should have bought it somewhere local."
"$5 is $5."
"Remeber how your husband got laid off?"
by PeaTearGriffin November 25, 2005
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