The worst thing in the world. Your throat is getting dry, your lips are cracking. Your mind is slowly going and you have no choice but to sit and watch. You need a drink, but there are none in sight.
Wayne: I would literally drink my own piss right now.
Markus: Man, sounds like you got a case of the thirsties!
*Wayne strikes Markus dead*
by dannydunlop October 7, 2009
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1.) wanting action in a sexual way, careless of the giver

2.) wanting sum sum
1.) he was so thirsty, he hit danielle up
by das ignant January 17, 2004
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A craving for water or other beverage to alleviate dehydration.
Sarah Silverman: "I was going to get an abortion the other day. I totally wanted an abortion. And it turns out I was just thirsty.”
by Mr. Cardboard November 6, 2011
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the act of having a severe crush on multiple people with different extremes of personalities; not knowing your purpose; forever alone; just sad; old and in need of someone to love; "available" literally tattooed on their forehead
she is thirsty.

he is thirsty.
by Joserodri782 September 20, 2015
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has 3 definitions ordered in order of most common.

1) to want something really bad

2) a strong desire to fill your mouth with a liquid substance repeatedly until satisfied

3) horney, or being sexually aroused - primarrally used in association with women
1) im so thirsty for a new car

2) could be a code word =

3) that is one thirsty chick..
by slightly disturbed February 5, 2008
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A guy that wants every bitch he see as long as she got cake and aint prude. This can also be a girl she wants to fuck every guy she meets and doesnt like to keep people put of her pants.
He/she is thirsty as fuck look at him/her basically crying for some fake attention
by Kurby123 June 5, 2014
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