in some places means not going too lessons or just not going to school. Can also be spelt - waked, wacking it, wacked, wakked
1) you wacking it today?
2) deffinatley i hate math

1)i wacked biology yesterday im in shit!
by you'llneverknow__x July 15, 2008
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Did you hear about that kid that jumped off the bridge?

Yea that's wack lol
by Axystaff October 20, 2018
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Wacked is the new, better and crazier way of meaning wicked,

Created by the great Soph
Omfg, Soph is just Wacked!!!!!!
by adam dipple January 12, 2005
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wicked. First coined by childerens TV presenters Ant and Dec.
"Ant and Dec were killed horribly? wacked!!"
by SiRuS January 4, 2004
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1. Of low quality, not good, poor, etc.

2. Also used to mean the opposite of it's original meaning, like bad or shit is commonly used (i.e. Wow man, that's some bad moves ya got.). Upstate New York colloquial
That's new car o' yours is wack, how cool.
by BillG February 15, 2005
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Getting rejected by the popular crowd or worse, being rejected by the unpopular crowd as well, receiving the "nobody wants you here, GTFO" look, or even being told so face-to-face.
me: "ahh dude did you see Dominic get wacked today?"
Moe: "no, did he try asking out Beth Anne again?"
me: "i think so. haha, silly wack. r0flz0rz"
by patrick_is_sexy September 20, 2007
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