A boy or girl who is black/white/asain. A panda can have a dominate trait in either one of these three parts. Some pandas are generally kind and are trusted friends. On rare occasions pandas can be very aggressive but a little bit of weed generally calls them down.
I love talking to my panda he's so caring.

Those two brothers are pandas because their dad is white and their mom is blasian.
by Cello boi March 25, 2015
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its the greek god of vengence, either that or im a liar.
"The great panda will rule heavens skys and send down planes of fire and dispair from every cloud."
by burkland February 14, 2004
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night creature with black hearts and ravenous teeth that glow in the dark feasting on bums that sleep in the park. they'll hide under your bed. they'll rip you butt to shreads. The Chinese believe if you find a discarded panda tooth you have the power to summon GODZILLA. Like a shark pandas have huge teeth which are used to grind through bone candy and fences
"Hey look at that panda over there with his nasty teeth"
by Carly2010 August 7, 2006
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cumming on a girl then hitting her with a piece of bamboo
i gave that girl a panda last night!
by bobbybamboo October 4, 2009
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A Panda is a thick chick with a pretty face.
Yo you going smash that chick again. No bro she was a Panda.
by @jessemonte May 27, 2016
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Guy 1: "Hey dude are you high?"

Guy 1: "Yeah man I'm on pandas!"
by dpanda January 1, 2012
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