Someone who is really angry on the inside and looks incredibly angry as well, just like Megatron. This person is more that meets the eye.
"Human Megatron"

-Miranda is more that meets they eye.
-Like Megatron!
-But he looks <i>soooo</i> angry.
-Yeah he's more like Sophia.
-God she is soooo angry!
by T-Graphz October 23, 2008
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A cock that can start out incredibly small and turn outrageously big. The ultimate grower not shower.
HER: At first it was so small I almost laughed. But then it just kept growing and growing. You must have a Megatron cock.
by Todd Johnson Sr. August 24, 2017
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Evil Decepticon leader from the 1980's Transformers television series. Known for using ridiculous, dim-witted schemes in his attempts to "plunder the Earth of it's resources" and to foil the Autobots. Many fans hate him, wishing he were more bad-ass. I say to them "Who cares!?" I mean, honestly, let's face it - it's a kid's show! He's not ment to satisfy the loins of 30 year old super geeks who take the show too seriously. If you loved the show as a kid, and are willing to watch it with a grain of salt, it's a lot easier to appriciate his contribution to the show. You just have to suspend your disbelief, or laugh hysterically at the plot flaws and animation errors!
G1 Megatron, who murdered half the Autobot cast in the movie, seemed pleased to kill Ironhide despite the fact he was defenseless. As Ironhide bravely grabbed Megatron by the leg to avenge his fallen comrades, Megatron sneered and said "Such heroic nonsense!" as he shot him to death.
by Jack January 4, 2004
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The action of punching somebody so hard that they go flying. Also commonly known as a falcon punch.
Beat it before i megatron blast you.
by Bobby Lashley June 24, 2008
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A girl Who is unbelievably slutty. She tries to have sex with all the people u know, and she tries to play it off when caught. Is often desperate for some kind of sexual encounter, but can never achieve it due to their easiness. Thrives on the presence of cack.
Amanda: Luis, I love you.
Luis: no.
Amanda: Brandon, I love you.
Brandon: no.
Amanda: Russel, I love you.
Russell: Bitch you're a megatron slut.
Prince: come here amanda, i'll give oyu the love.
Amanda: ok. at least 1 of the friends are nice.
by Liiteking91 April 29, 2009
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act like a total dick to a family member or friend for no reason just for the hell of it. usually yelling or swearing for no reason so you can get your point across.
Austin: what are you talking about?
Frankie: dont mind him he has megatron syndrome
Austin: wow what a Asshole!
by Orlando Paulson February 13, 2011
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Allegiance: Decepticon

Sub-groups: Corny 80s Villains Anonymous

Function: Wimp

"Decepticons, RETREAT!"

The most feared Decepticon to ever exist... if you're half-drunk and have the physical strength of a housefly. Megatron has a fusion cannon and the ability to completely miss any target who has a toy still in production, and a penchant for inane plans that three-year olds could counter-- interestingly, it always take the Autobots 25 minutes to counter them. Hmmmmm...
A small bunny rabbit ran out in front of Megatron. "We're under attack! DECEPTICONS RETREAT!"

by LM November 3, 2003
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