db an acronym for the words "drunk bitch"
daniella parra

wow, look at that db falling down the stairs!!
by the kid125 June 4, 2006
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1. Look at all those dbs over there.

2. Alex is the biggest db that I know.

3. This place is so gay, theses fucking dbs all over the place.

4. Did you hear about all the dbs that came to my party last nite? It was so fucking gay.

5. Im not picking up that db, you can pick him up if u want to hangout with him. He's the biggest fag that I know.
by Frank the Tank 250 March 29, 2010
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by Stuntinboy November 8, 2010
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I have a 50 db in my pocket so I can totally get that outfit now
by meowsies123 February 20, 2018
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The do bits society - When someone participates in the act of coitus they are automatically registered to the society of bit doers.
Friend - "I fucked a ting last night."
Me - "Welcome to DBS, bro!"
by The Swiss Knife September 21, 2018
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