That friend that is always there, that you can always ramble to and hug any time, but doesn't have much to say usually.
"Skylar is such a Teddy bear friend, they seem to always listen"
by Skyiskitten October 22, 2022
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When your girl gives you a hug from behind , and gives you a (handy j)
Bro , my girl gave me a teddy bear tug last night , pretty sick
by Jsemq August 6, 2019
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to have a crush on someone, although you cannot see yourself dating or having an intimate relationship with them. similar to a teddy bear; although you will always love your teddy bear (or other childhood toy), you aren't going to play with it.
"Oh, yeah Andrew? He's adorable."
"So are you going to try to get with him?"
"No, no. It's a teddy bear crush."
by eggbaby420 March 10, 2015
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The act of masturbation or handjob, when it involves a big, hairy, thick penis.
Usually, the male involved in this act has never shaved his frontal genital area.
Girl 1: "What did you do with that cute guy in the bedroom?"
Girl 2: "I was choking the teddy bear"
Girl 1: "Gross!"
by HentaiNerd69 January 14, 2014
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A rule of sorts that applies only to overweight or obese people. If you have a bit of extra fat, then you're naturally better at cuddling than somebody who's in shape. If you're fat, you're like a big fleshy teddy bear, which is where the term comes from. The bigger you are, the cuddlier you are and the more teddy bear appeal you have. It can help you seal the deal with a guy/girl, or it can land you in the friendzone: it depends on how you use it.
Hot girl: "Hey, my friends have told me you're excellent at cuddling."
Overweight guy: "Yep. My secret is my extra weight-it keeps you warm when you cuddle me."
Hot girl: "I fancy the idea of testing that out. Yours or mine?"
Overweight guy's brain: "Score! Thank you, teddy bear appeal!"
by MegaMilkCosplayer April 1, 2014
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A very expensive and classic stuffed bear company. That thinks that just because their bears have a warranty they can rip you off in price.
A Vermont teddy bear is so over priced they think they can charge 100 bucks for a stuffed piece of faux fur. I'd rather buy uggs.
by Clyde22 September 8, 2006
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Gay bearded man love near water.
Those guys were all so happy out on the beach going at it like wet teddy bears.
by MitchellWay March 13, 2021
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