Someone who goes out of their way to remind others how religious they are
by rtv0587 November 27, 2012
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(V.) 1. To watch something multiple times, and cry at the same spot in the show.

2. To cry after losing a game that you had no shot in.
Jason: "Man, I started tebowing my eyes out last night when I watched that girl get killed in that show last night"
Friend: "Fag.
by tbs17 December 15, 2009
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When your chic is about to have an orgasm and your buddy runs and knees her in the back of the head giving her a concussion.
Jake was banging the hell out of Brandy the other night and Ronnie ran in and tebowed the shit out of her!!!
by tebowisapussyassQB October 12, 2009
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The act of aquiring human poop on ones finger and then applying said poop under a person's eye (see Dirty Sanchez). If poop is applied under both eyes, this is called a Full Tebow.
"After fingering my girlfriends ass, I withdrew my finger and wiped the shit under her eye. I told her this was a Tebow and she appreciated my originality".
by xVaginusx February 23, 2010
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To mislead a suitor only to leave them at the altar in humiliation and disgrace
Wow, Rich Rodriguez sure TEBOWED Alabama today!
by TIGERinATL December 8, 2006
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The act of praying to god in a knee position after you have done something terrible.
To Tebow, rest your left leg on the ground and put your right leg out and bend your at a 90 degrees then rest your left arm and lay it across the center of your right thigh take your right arm and bend it to where it looks like your flexing then take your eblow and place on your right knee and take your right hand put in a fist and lay your head on it.
You just shot your best friend then you had sex with has girlfriend in has bed and got her pregant then left her, then he Tebow to god and all is forgiven.
by Countryflower March 7, 2012
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any sausage that can be kept without refrigeration.
"Mom gave me a tebow for Christmas this year; I ate it with some cheese and mustard."

"This tebow has a surprisingly dark smoky taste."
by meangirl2012 January 12, 2012
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