Private hire vehicle (UK),99% of the drivers are from Pakistan, they are supposed to be booked but they cruise the streets stealing the fares of real taxi drivers.The UK Highway Code means nothing to these idiots!!Specialise in ripping off drunks and molesting women.But they save having to queue after a night on the beer.
Look at the length of that taxi queue,fuck it let's find a Paki Taxi!!
by Pontus Fractus October 23, 2006
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Accepting a tinder meet up with the dual purpose of getting to know each other and getting a ride to where you need to be. Often used on a first meeting, when one person does not have a car and has somewhere to go.
Katie : So did you meet up with him?

Jane : Yea, I took a tinder taxi with him to my work meeting.
by Cat-a-llac December 18, 2014
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1.) Someone who exceeds the limits of being a normal asshat. See "douche canoe."


2.) Any vehicle filled to capacity with a group of complete and total asshats. Typically seen in the form of white bros in a shitty midsize sedan with inexplicable super ghetto rims. In other words, douche inherited his dead grandma's Mercury and wants to look street.
It's totally okay to disagree about politics. You don't have to be a total ass taxi about it.


Check out Slim Shady and his boys over there - rockin that busted ass taxi.
by Drumby March 26, 2016
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Holding a blunt for someone while they smoke it.
James is a blunt taxi for Ben's lazy ass.
by Legal drug February 13, 2017
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The time a taxi driver retires they take all taxes added to their customers fees and use it as scientific research. Research being how much the tax raised or lowered per ride over the years. Therefore,when taxi drivers retire they make more money.
The taxi-dermey in the world has raised in the past 10 years.
by Sally5574 August 26, 2017
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When you're having anal sex with a chick who's on all fours, and she's crawling forward slowly to compensate for your thrusts, thereby transporting you around the bedroom, kitchen, etc.
Dude, when I was with Maria last night, she totally had me in the Spanish Taxi.

Hey, did you hear about Julie? They say she's a real Spanish Taxi Driver.
by curtHendzell June 1, 2010
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The art of using a taxi and then failing to pay the driver, often resulting in being chased by the driver or been cautioned by the police. Popular sport with people from Fife
"How we getting home, we've no money!" "Don't worry,we'll just bump a taxi"
by Concerned Taxi Driver November 10, 2009
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