The first and only team in league history to start the season 0–6 and finish April with a winning record. The Team that made the Boston Red Sox go down in history as suffering the biggest collapse during the final month of the season in MLB history by giving up a 9 game lead in the American League Wild Card race at the beginning of September. The team that rejuvenated the term Amazing when associated with an MLB team
Fan #1: Did you see those Amazing Tampa Bay Rays make the play offs with the greatest comeback to clinch the wildcard in MLB history?
Fan #2: Yeah. The MLB commission felt so bad for Boston, having those bus signs promoting the Post Season with the Red Sox and all, they decided to add another Wildcard spot to help those crybabies out.
by TampaBay069yeah November 30, 2011
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Created in 1976 and currently play in the NFC South with the aints, the dirty birds, and the panthers.

Home of some of the most loyal fans you will ever meet who represent even when times are tough.

Usually overlooked by opponents who end up having the ball shoved up their asses.

1-0 in superbowls. Winners of superbowl in '02 against the raiders (who nobody even pays attention to anymore) 48-21

Went from having the gayest logo to the coolest logo.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1. Atlanta Fan: Bucs Suckkkk

Bucs Fan: Shut up bitch! You dont even have a superbowl.

2. Bucs Fan: How are we the only team without a definiton on urban dictionary?

Carolina Fan: Cuz you suckkkk

Bucs Fan: Shut up bitch! You dont even have a superbowl.
by CRKS November 14, 2010
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The second team in MLB history to have the worst record in all of baseball in one season, and come back to win their division the next year. The Rays changed their name from the Devil Rays in 2007 and instantly became really good in 2008. They went on to the 2008 World Series, only to lose to the Philadelphia Phillies 4 games to 1.
With a solid starting rotation and one of the best lineups in the American League, the future of the Tampa Bay Rays looks bright.
by acablue January 10, 2009
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Formerly called the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, The "Rays" were a disappointing Major League Baseball franchise until 2008, when manager Joe Maddon and his baseball team with many young players suprised the whole league by clinching a spot in the 2008 Playoffs. They were better than their popular division rivals Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees. The Rays are 2008 American League Champions.

However, the team is virtually unknown to the United States because their games are not usually shown on national television.
"What is the team that is playing the Phillies in the World Series??"

"Oh, those are the surprising Tampa Bay Rays who finished from last place in 2007 to first place in 2008."
by Jeffreak October 24, 2008
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An NHL team based in Tampa, Florida. Owned by Jeff Vinik, their GM is Steve Yzerman, and their head coach is Guy Boucher. The Lightning have 3 players who have made names for themselves in the NHL in Vincent Lecavalier, Martin St. Louis, and Steven Stamkos. They are potential playoff contenders for the 2010-11 season.
Guy 1: Hey did you see the Tampa Bay Lightning game against Philadelphia last night?

Guy 2: Yeah, 8-7, that's just crazy!

Guy 1: Yep!
by helloandgoodbye January 28, 2011
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when a girl gives a bald man a blow job, she makes him ejaculate in her mouth and then spits the cum on his head. She then shaves off his pubes and sticks them on his semen covered head, thus making a homemade hair piece
fred came over last night and i fixed his bald head with a tampa bay toupee.
by curly jefferson 69 April 5, 2008
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A Major League baseball franchise located in St. Petersburg, Florida
With their nucleus of young talent and skilled minor league players, the Tampa Bay Rays will be a force to be reckoned with in the coming years.
by Casey Peterson January 9, 2008
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