When a vagina has been so thoroughly pleasured that it is swollen so tight that its unpenatratable.
"he licked her pussy for so long,

it was swoled"
by secret mistress May 26, 2016
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To be included in a group of absolutely jacked people. Or to be absolutely jacked yourself and many people associate you with your muscles.
Dude, I'm on the swole train, back up.
Has he been looking jacked lately? Yeah dude, he's on the swole train.
by nicorerong May 3, 2011
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to be large, massive built strong, "hulk like" to be tank
Tank is sittin on swole, and Jesse is sittin on swole dick!
by Lazaro is Wowza February 26, 2009
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To be muscular to show masculinity demonstrating the role of the alpha male, the boss, or the father figure.
Jeff-"Hey Owen! Lets go to the gym! You trying to get daddy swole?"

Owen - "Yeah lets roll."
by Odizzfoshizz March 23, 2010
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A girl that wants to be piped down really bad, but the dude curves her or can’t get a clue
John: “Hey, how did your date go last night?”
Patsy: “It went good, I didn’t get any dick though.”
Randa: “Bitch, you got that swole clit huh.”
Patsy: “Yeah, do you know where my vibrator is?”
by kbro337 July 29, 2020
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Someone who works out but does not eat healthy resulting in undefined muscle mass in the abdominal and upper body.
You eat like shit that's why you're pizza swole.
by Baykahman September 25, 2015
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A big ol' Swole Pup is a buff man. Normally posts videos of his deadlifts on Instagram. Often takes creatine and brags to his gym rat friends. Member of Planet Fitness.
Alex: Yo' have you seen Garrett recently?
Tanner: Yeah man he is one big ol' swole pup!
by tay tay shay shay May 30, 2017
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