*when the ass region feels hot wet and murkey...
hey hunni get the baby's desiten i have swamp ass for the third time this week!
by bob hastle February 20, 2004
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To be completely and honestly serious.

A reply used by people who have been questioned on the truth of their comment.

To be truthful and not lie.
Guy 1: Dude, I swear its a phrase, we use it all the time back home. Swamp ass!

Guy 2: Wow, I guess you're telling the truth.
by swamptastic February 29, 2012
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An unusual build up of a large amount of sweat in the buttox region, primarily in and around the asshole.
Damn, Sam has a bad case of swamp ass!
by BallSmackMcGee June 11, 2010
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an unfortunate ailment hitting men in their prime while vigorously walking through the mall, where as you feel like the inside of your ass cheeks have become a KY factory
Get me some TP quick, i have swamp ass that would make swamp thing jealous!
by Flonson Khabot January 30, 2005
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the sweat from your gooch and balls that soaks through your boxers/underwear, and makes it annoying to sit down.
after playing basketball all day, i went to sit down and much to my dismay, i sat in gulf of swamp ass.
by Kyle M November 30, 2003
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One whos ass smells of rand things and/or is sweaty.
by KRISTY February 19, 2005
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swamp ass occurs when one with a hairy ass has been sitting in a chair for a long period of time hence causing a large abundance of sweat on the back of your pants so it looks as though you squeeged in your pants.
damn, i have a bad case of swamp ass, the sweat started accumulating about an hour ago, now the wet spot's as big as a fuckin basketball.
by Philbert Rhosenburg March 12, 2004
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