To change multiple lanes on the freeway or any road with three or more lanes.
Yo, cut this guy and slide over to the exit ramp.
by Tha Reel Milk Dud October 2, 2006
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To have a bowel movement that is very aggressive. Theruns. The shits.

Originated by a North Carolina Mother.
Background: Came from the idea of running to the restroom barely having to make an effort since it all just "slides" right out....repeatedly!
Terry drank all of that liquor last night after eating greens and this morning he had the slides!
by Viraix September 11, 2018
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When a girl is on her period so won't sleep with you and you end up sleeping somewhere else, like a slide in a park.
Laurel: "Did you sleep with that really pretty girl at the weekend?"
Moonbear: "No she was sliding. Selfish bint. And it was cold."
by Maddie 6 December 14, 2009
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When one passes out after smoking too much pot.
No way man, don't slide, stay lucid.
by elly March 11, 2005
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To let other people cheat off your homework.
Person 1: Hey did you do U.S. history homework?
Person 2: Oh my god, yeah it took me all night.
Half the class: SLIDE girl
by RandomFangirl#394 January 13, 2017
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Hey man that speeding ticket just cost me 300 slides
by Anonymous September 26, 2003
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When a group of guys talks to girls,with the ratio of boys to girls is greater than 1:1.
Bing bong and redneck were sliding so much that they had to go to a water park.
by Josue Marquez January 27, 2016
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