An awesome Thai girl who is an intense reader. She reads at least 1,000 pages in a day and writes 2,000 words all in a days work. All the boys can't resist her.
Guy1: Oh wow. Look a Serenity.
Guy2: She's so awesome.
by Fixxe February 4, 2012
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something that is both serene and scenic.
The sunset was serenic,
by abac May 31, 2010
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She's a very happy go lucky girl. Has blonde hair and blue eyes. Never mad or complains. Loves everything and everyone. Is a good listener and talks alot. The kindest person you could ever met.
I don't know how I'm going to go on I need my Serenity
by Kelrissi January 22, 2018
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serenity loves food more than anything in the world and one day plans to rob tacobell and steal ALL there food.
serenity took my taco im so hungry now ):
by meow mix 66656642 October 2, 2019
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Serenity seams like a peaceful name that's because it is but is the serenity you talking about peaceful the answer to that is no. Serenity's are extremely loving and care for others more then them selves serenity's are very beautiful but unfortunately have extremely low self esteem she will always put others before herself. When she is in love she loves hard but she can be to trusting at times and guys take advantage of her. She has an amazing smile and she makes everyone around her laugh when your around her you will not be able to stop smiling. If you know a serenity don't let her go she is special and you don't want to loose her.
Serenity-love her because she loves you
by THATGIRLATMWHS September 23, 2019
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Serenity is a very sweet and caring person she hates school and she is also a very helpful and calm person and hates when people are just faking being friends she also hates bullies.
Serenity do you like cats?
by Serenity wolfy April 15, 2020
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