When the optic nerve in your eye travels though the rectum to your anus and causes you have a shitty outlook on life.
Its not Debbie's fault she's always depressed and bringing everybody down. She has rectal vision.
by Ballard757 January 28, 2011
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Complex term used to describe an asshat, typically so the asshat standing in front of you doesn't understand what you said.
You: Hey, look at that fine example of rectal haberdashery holding up the line.
Asshat: Rectal what? Was that a compliment?
by rm_you November 3, 2005
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What takes place in the bathroom the morning after eating Mexican food and beer
hershey squirts
Don't go in there, I just set off a rectal explosion!
by baldylocks1976 January 29, 2005
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The unknown and rather disturbing substance that accumulates under your nails following scratching an itchy ass; a less dense form of ass cheese.

Also, a reference to something nasty;
"DUDE! Quit digging in your ass! Now you have rectal butter under your nails!"

"That chick needs to take a damn shower! She smells like rectal butter!"
by m_4_reall March 12, 2010
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When you cover your rectum with a pile of cocaine and fart a coke cloud into the air and someone runs in and tries to snort the cloud out of the air.
Man you've never been as high as you would be after a rectal snowblower!
by Shooter McGavin 1 March 10, 2022
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When a man covers himself in lubricant and fully enters a woman's anus... fully.
Guy - "Woah dude, i just gave my girl the rectal death!"
Other Guy- Woah man how is she?
Guy - Im pretty sure i punctured her stomach on the way out, but lets not worry about that
by Analman April 10, 2008
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A simple procedure execute by curious aliens or doctors to examine the lower rectum and other internal organs of a person/animal. They (gently) insert a tool, tentacle or finger into your anus. This allows them to feel your interior and explore it.

This procedure can be considerated a bit invasive by some people.
Kang: My name is Kang, and this is my sister, Kodos.
Kodos: Hello.
Homer: I suppose you wanna probe me. Well, might as well get it over with.
Kang: Stop! We have reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us.
(The Simpsons - S8E1: Treehouse of Horror VII)
by Arcem___S_V June 15, 2020
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