A small cute creature, generally a snake or puppy. Used typically to sound funny. Came from my imagination.
Awwww, look at that lil pupper.
by wordsmithAce November 19, 2022
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Very cute, most likely fluffy, creature. Another word for puppy.
Highly used in meme culture.
by OkGasMask May 15, 2020
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A word used by people who don't understand English.
A word used by people who are trying to sound cute, but just end up sounding idiotic.
"Oh, look at the cute pupper!"
"What? Oh, puppy. Look at the cute puppy."
by LRedMustLive July 12, 2017
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The preferred beer of characters from the show Letterkenny
Hockey player: “my girlfriend cheated on me bro...”
Anyone: “get this jock a fuckin’ Puppers so I don’t have to listen to this bullshit”
by Scroaty McDuggins March 1, 2021
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Pupper can't but puppy can, so puppy and pupper could and couldn't.
by UrbanVigilante June 16, 2023
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