mank is a man skank

a tool, arrogant, cocky whorish guy, who is annoying as hell and is the exact definition of a skank but in male form

-created by lsxc-g 10'
wtf is he doing he is such a mank
by saywat10 October 13, 2010
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spank lick
wad slap
colin fitzpatrick...his codename for HALO...usually runs with OHOOMIS, SPANK LICK (THE CLIT), and WAD SLAP...
also the weakest link of the crew...
Mank just ripped you a new asshole...and hes a newb
by Satan for a day October 25, 2004
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A form of masturbation. (notice that a "M" is an upside down "W" WANK---MANK) This is when a person sexually stimulates themselves by massaging the prostate gland throgh the rectal wall. In laymans terms "Fingering you ass until you come."
1: "dude did you hear that bill tried to have a mank the other day and had to go to hospital for internal bleeding?"
2: "thats a damn shame"
by rotten egg February 28, 2006
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Part of the mank-jank-skank-rank-gank scale of just how bad something is. All are negative terms.

gank is worse than
rank is worse than
skank is worse than
jank is worse than
by James Keenan May 25, 2006
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getting laid in yo escalade while you mank with diana, big diss
by ahi December 9, 2004
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