HOmewrecker. Ho+home wrecker. Emphasis on the HO in home. A homewrecker defined by being a ho - a cheating catalyst and enemy to all females and families.
"Why am I looking at Tiger Wood's mistress #345 in a magazine? Since when are we glorifying HOmewreckers?
by The Cason-Point February 27, 2010
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A person that invades your life and gets involved with your significant other knowing that they are with someone else. They will continue to pursue the relationship even though they know it is wrong.
: know he is married but want to date him anyways, so yeah Im a Homewrecker
by theoneyouwant2be June 16, 2011
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michaela: are you tryin to steal my man!?
my: no way.
my: im not a home wrecker
michaela: fuckin homewrecker!
my: ha iknow huh
by Kracka July 12, 2006
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some1 with out morals that comes in and steals, or has sex with someone else's gf or bf.
person 1: dude he impregnated her and now slut 1 want to get in his pants
person 2: dude what a homewrecker
person 1: i know right
by versedaaron May 19, 2008
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a girl who kisses a boy with a girlfriend.
Wow. Christian kissed a boy that has a girlfriend, shes such a homewrecker.
by attackingmyfriends November 26, 2019
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someone who has a relationship with a married or engage person with the intent of breaking the marriage or engagement
She was a homewrecker and a sexual predator.
by The Return of Light Joker April 10, 2011
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