Gracie is a one of a kind person. She is very smart and beautiful woman and is adored by every boy in her sights. She is a one of a kind stunning girl and is bey kind and loving. If you find a Gracie keep hold of her:).
Gracie is so beautiful
by Prestige101 November 20, 2019
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A girl who is awesome creative funny and beautiful. Loves the color green and is everyones friend!
Stacey:O.M.G thats a Gracie 4 sure I wish I was her friend!
by GracieMadison July 9, 2011
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Gracie is a wonderful person. she never says anything bad about anyone, and she would do anything to make someone elses day better. She is truly an angel.
1: Oh hey, Did you talk to Gracie last night?

2: yeah, She is such a wonderful person, Isn't she?
1: Yeah she is. She really helped me get through some though periods in my life just by being herself.
2. I love her!
by SwagOverLoader July 24, 2013
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Gracie Edwards is a smelly bum crack who loves a person called Adam moore she is a county player and loves smelling peoples feet even when u tell her not to but she is a gorgeous gal and is loved by many even if she has a foot fetish she’s a small bunda but is obsessed with this keela Nolan girl? But anyway gotta love the Gracie gal falls in love with mole rats and takes everyone’s man
Me-go away

Gracie-I just wanna see your toes😒😒
by Klolololol February 9, 2022
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The most wonderful, interesting, creative, sweet, understanding girl in the whole world. Where do i start? She is the reason i'm alive, she is my brain lungs heart soul EVERYTHING. Please do not slip away from a gracie she is a keeper a glamorous fiesty killer. She is the exact definition of "da one da only" . Often is tall blonde and likes to drink fancy iced drinks. Preferably a latte , extra cream , whipped cream, light on syrup. SHE IS GREAT JUST ON POINT! Did i mention that already?
Girl: man, i wish i was like gracie, how is she so horribly perfect?

Girl #2: she is my idol , can i have her face?!??,?

Girl: *gets out handcuffs and cuffs herself to gracie*

Gracie: i'm flattered.
by Neaehh January 15, 2014
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Seems really lame is actually pretty cool, people just don't try to get to know her, a loyal friend who isn't appreciated enough by her friends.
Girl 1: ugh, look at her she's so lame.
Girl 2: Who "Gracie"? She's great though, Why did you even say that? You don't know her.
by 070702 February 5, 2017
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Gracie is loyal and kind to others. She is compassionate, and loves to help others. She is both trustworthy and trusting. She is not selfish, demanding, or jealous (like seriously, what female is ever like this?). The littlest things make her happy...a text to say hey, a hug just because, a sweet note. Often people don’t take time to get to know Gracie, and when they do, they’re surprised to find she is crazy, funny and fun. She’s always down for a spontaneous dance party. It takes a lot to piss her off, and watch out if you do!! She is competitive - and loves to win. She is beautiful - as in stop the damn traffic beautiful, but also beautiful on the inside, too. The guy who is lucky enough to date her probably cannot believe she even picked him! Gracie is a genuine friend, and an awesome girlfriend. If you’re lucky enough to have a Gracie...don’t let her go!
I can’t believe Gracie agreed to date me. I’m the luckiest fucking dude on the planet.
by spitthetruth March 2, 2019
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