When your "Gaydar" goes off during a squat session.

Gaydar Squats: "Mr. Sullivan's wrestling attire was setting off Mr. Weiss' Gaydar while having Mr. Sullivan Spot him during an intense session of squats."
by Daveyboy23 December 2, 2008
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The advantage of growing up in Atlanta around gays.

The ability to spot and identify any gay man or woman, undercover or flaming.
Me: "is that one gay Jen?"
JVu: "My atl-trained gaydar tells me you are correct!"
Me: "Daaang that atl-trained gaydar never fails huh?!"
by Trangalang2202 October 24, 2011
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To avoid being identified as a homosexual.
I heard that Ruben was outed by his Cousin at Thanksgiving dinner. He should have taken some lessons from Kevin at flying under the gaydar.
by iam2eeyore November 29, 2010
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The ability of a homosexual person to detect if someone else is homosexual as well.
Usually, gay people are able to sense other people's 'gayness', based on their own experiences and observations.
"That guy is so cute!"
"You know he's gay right?"
"Yeah, my gaydar goes off majorly when he's around"
by Cheesecake_101 March 31, 2023
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A term used when a person senses that their friend is gay or any part of the lgbt community and that person turns out to be what they predicted they’d be
Friend: Hey I have something to tell you

Other friend: you’re lesbian

Other friend: GAYDAR THAT’S HOW!
by Queer person August 21, 2018
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When a gay person can detect if someone if gay by there super gay vibes (if they have any)
Dude my gaydar is going off from that girl over there
by Lesbian person April 14, 2020
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2 bros sitting in a hot tub five feet apart cuz they're not gay
1: Gaydar
2: Oh wow
by Markalius May 5, 2022
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