Official Theme of Gamefaqs
(Sang to the Slinky song)

Who bans your ass without care,
he really is that sort of guy.
Sell-out and make a lot of dough,
that's just our pal, Cjayc.

"Time to purchase a new boat or car",
that's what he asks to himself.
Or maybe he'll buy his very own country?
That's just out pal, Cjayc.

It's Cjay, it's Cjay,
CNet gave him lots of cash.
It's Cjay, it's Cjay,
money shoots out his ass.
by Firecrest November 23, 2004
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A place where bandwagon fans of good nba teams, mainly the Lakers, come to insult other people because of their team, using childish words and logic.
Hey, that guy posting on the GameFAQs-Sports and Racing-NBA board likes the Mavs, Lol Mavs!
by rairen shimozuma March 18, 2009
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A horrible place where there are biased morons who love to bash certain hockey teams(especially Buffalo). The so-called "vets" of this board, love to flame people for no real reason and think they are superior to the other posters. This board is also infested with bandwagoners, moronic fanboys, and multiple other people. Only a few of the posters are actually intelligent. If you want to post here, go right ahead. But do so at your own risk!
Board: GameFAQs-Sports and Racing-NHL

Topic name: Rangers in 4, Rangers in 5

BoU: that's what at least 70% of theh people on this board said before the series, followed by some crap that made them feel better about not picking the Sabres.

Don't let Sabres H8 cut through your logic next time, videogame NHL message boarders.

kaze60: Yeah, it's real hard to tell why people don't like Sabre fans.

BoU: Why hate me when you can hate the team? That is my point.

You people base your hockey knowledge on the fans that support the team. Keep proving me right.

kaze60: I could care less about you or Buffalo, but it's just the way this board works. Why it does really doesn't matter, just accept it and stop being so emo about it.

by King of Inland April 28, 2007
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A message board where actual discussion of college football is dwarfed by the sheer amount of trolling, LOL topics, and team insults. Any legitimate point will be immediately countered by one or more users posting

"u mad?"

or replying with a "quote" of another user which is completely replaced with their own text in a really poor attempt at being clever.

The average board poster is between the ages of 21 and 30 but can be guaranteed to act like an 8 year-old in a playground argument.
I feel really bad for the users who post garbage on GameFAQs-Sports and Racing-NCAA Football all Saturday long, because that means they have no actual games to attend nor friends to watch them with.
by TooClassy1 October 11, 2009
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