2 definitions by Firecrest

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(Sang to the Slinky song)

Who bans your ass without care,
he really is that sort of guy.
Sell-out and make a lot of dough,
that's just our pal, Cjayc.

"Time to purchase a new boat or car",
that's what he asks to himself.
Or maybe he'll buy his very own country?
That's just out pal, Cjayc.

It's Cjay, it's Cjay,
CNet gave him lots of cash.
It's Cjay, it's Cjay,
money shoots out his ass.
by Firecrest November 23, 2004
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A prick; asshole. Disregards life and all its inhabitants.
"Jesus christ, you're such a Firecrest for spilling that Juicy Juice on my new dress!!!"
by Firecrest November 23, 2004
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