What you say when someone says or answers with something ridiculous or straight up stupid.
That guy answered the question wrong, "That's a fiber bar!"
by That_one_guy_ June 27, 2017
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U have 2 fiber end. Put them in machine. Machine says beep. Now you got no fiber ends and a neckbeard who can stream lotr in 4k.
Splicing (Fiber Optics), for example "Today I spliced 96 Fibers in a roadside cabinet."
by dj_ordje March 29, 2021
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The lube left in your ass from the anal sex/anal play the night before that helps ease out your first morning poop.
It's great when that first shit of the day is made easier by the Fuck Fiber left over from the butt plug you wore the night before.
by AmadeuS469 April 10, 2020
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bread to get fiber from
"man I needa get my fiber"
*gets fiber*
"woo! I have fiber"
has fiber"
by reallyfuckingcool January 9, 2022
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The amount of fiber one has to consume in order to make sure they have a normal bowel movement without paying for it in pain.
“I have constipation, I can’t make it to the party!”
“Did you have too much or too little fiber?”
“What?” (Groans)
“If you had too little fiber, then you didn’t pay your body the fiber tax to let the stool through.”
“What if I had too much fiber?”
“Then you paid too much fiber tax!”
by DorianGray1243 July 11, 2023
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